Activities in the Swedish pilot area
For current information about the local LIFEscape activities in Vombsänkan read more here (Swedish language only).
LIFEscape final conferenceLund, 24-25th September 2013
Lund municipality hosted the final conference of the LIFEscape project. Within the two years of our cooperation we have shown how the European Landscape Convention can work in practice in our four pilot areas in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Lithuania. On this meeting we had an opportunity to share our most interesting results, such as landscape valuation questionnaires, spatial plans, and the handbook about participative planning methods. During the study trip the second day we walked&talked extensively through the Swedish pilot area shared between Lund and Sjöbo municipalities, and were honoured to take part in the opening ceremony of the new nature reserve, Veberöds Ljung. Invitation and Agenda for download. |
Dialog on a new nature reserve
Lund, Ljungen east of Veberöd, 24th of April 2013
There will be a new Nature reserve in the Pilot area, The Vomb valley, and the County Administration Board are inviting to an excursion in the area to discuss the issues on the restrictions and management in the comming reserve. The new reserve will be called Veberöds Ljung and are situated directly beside the present big nature reserve along the river Klingavälsån. The landscape that will be preserved is diverse with old wooded pastures, open dry grassland and wet grassland and alder forest along the river and creaks.
Workshops on Landscape AnalysisLund and Sjöbo, October and November 2012
During October and November 2012 the project had two workshops with stakeholders to discuss the values in the area, problems to be solved and visions for the future. The planners are now working on the material from the workshops and will present a proposal of the Landscape Analysis to the stakeholders in May 2013. The results from the meeting will be taken into the analys and then presented as a final document in August 2013. The Analysis will be an important document in the planning process in the pilot area and be included in the regional landscape strategy of the Skåne region.
Study trip to Vombsänkan pilot area
Lund and Kristianstad, 12-13 September 2012
Project partners and stakeholders from Denmark and Poland visited the Lund-Sjöbo pilot area and the nearby Kristianstad Vattenrike Biosphere Area, one of the most interesting wetland projects in Sweden.
The tour started and finished in Lund, with stations at two sites on the Lund side of the pilot area on the first day, and two sites on the Sjöbo side on the second day. The trip to Kristianstad included the Kristianstad Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve naturum (visitors centre), walking the about 3 km long Linné Trail, and a bus trip to the Vinnö Meadows where the renaturation project was presented. |
Kick-off of Swedish pilot project
All three Swedish partners and two associated partners came to the meeting with 37 participants. Lund and Sjöbo municipality, Swedish Heritage Board, Swedish Agricultural University and Linné University gave presentations in the morning and in the afternoon there were 6 group discussions on how to work in the projekt. The topics were stakeholder participation, management plans and landscape values
All three Swedish partners and two associated partners came to the meeting with 37 participants. Lund and Sjöbo municipality, Swedish Heritage Board, Swedish Agricultural University and Linné University gave presentations in the morning and in the afternoon there were 6 group discussions on how to work in the projekt. The topics were stakeholder participation, management plans and landscape values