Welcome to LIFEscape toolbox for participative landscape planning!
If you work as a spatial planner or person facilitating the public participation process, you may draw some inspiration from the tools and methods applied in our project.
Obviously, the methods applied should suit the topic and level of participation you are striving to achieve. We encourage you to combine different tools in a process, for example to start with tools for information before tools for dialog, or to have more interaction with some groups and just inform others of the work.
Obviously, the methods applied should suit the topic and level of participation you are striving to achieve. We encourage you to combine different tools in a process, for example to start with tools for information before tools for dialog, or to have more interaction with some groups and just inform others of the work.
New! LIFEscape Handbook on Participative Landscape Planning is now published. Ready for download in English, Swedish, Polish and Lithuanian In this section we would like to present the tools in the six categories, corresponding to the 6 "steps" in the participation ladder:Click on one them to see the full list of tools.