One form for direct democracy is forming various kinds of user councils or suchlike, where delegates are appointed to make decisions together in various matters.
Often they are selected to reflect the various interests and views of the population in the area. There are examples of planning issues where the locals themselves have been responsible for producing plans in cooperation with professional planners. There are also examples of management organisations where the residents of protected areas have had delegated responsibility to decide on certain issues. Many of the above methods and tools under ‘Dialogue’ and ‘Influence and Participation’ could be used for making decisions on the local level. The distinction is whether delegation was given to make own decisions or if they formally should be made by representative democracy.
Often they are selected to reflect the various interests and views of the population in the area. There are examples of planning issues where the locals themselves have been responsible for producing plans in cooperation with professional planners. There are also examples of management organisations where the residents of protected areas have had delegated responsibility to decide on certain issues. Many of the above methods and tools under ‘Dialogue’ and ‘Influence and Participation’ could be used for making decisions on the local level. The distinction is whether delegation was given to make own decisions or if they formally should be made by representative democracy.